We live in a world that wants absolutes and demands definition & borders – black or white, this or that, right or wrong, forward or backward, light or dark. Two messages came up for me today – intuition and confusion.
Do you trust your intuition?
Or do you feel confused by the very idea of it?
Confusion comes from the mind. It is a result of processing information in a binary ‘this or that’ format. Confusion comes from believing that one choice is right while the other is wrong, creating a fear of making the ‘wrong decision’. Confusion puts us in the dark, and no matter how much more information we gather – we can’t quite seem to see through the fog.
Intuition is a light that pierces through the cloud.

I am feeling this particularly present today as we not only just entered the Mayan New Year but we also began a new trecena (13 day period) in the energy of Aq’Ab’Al – the energy that I carry. Aq’Ab’Al teaches us that life isn’t the split of duality, but rather its coexistence. We are living and breathing just as much as we are aging and dying simultaneously.
Aq’Ab’Al asks us to bring our judgements into question, to not compartmentalize, and to recognize the pieces to the greater whole.
To live in wisdom, you must learn to see the good in the bad, and the bad in the good. You must learn to ‘see in the dark’.
How does one begin to see in the dark? For starters, you need to open your eyes; realize that it is your judgements that make you afraid to look. Secondly, observe and adjust; you will begin to understand that not everything is as it previously seemed and life is not to be taken just at face value. Third, (this one is stretchy for the mind), embrace the “and” mentality. Life is difficult AND it can be easy. Up is up AND up can be down. A choice can be right for you now AND be wrong for you later down the road. Learning to see in the dark is a matter of recognizing the paradoxes in life, owning the subjectivity of it all, and embracing different perspectives.
The more you practice this, the stronger your intuition becomes and the less confusion there is because you are no longer trying to see a full sphere from a square cut out. Learning to see in the dark you expand your perception into one of wholeness, and process from a place of wisdom.
May you acknowledge and accept your light, your dark, and all of the shades in between.
Ahava 💜
Vivian ✨